Pay dues online
Complete form in the brochure and mail in or bring to a meeting
Welcome to our Club
We are an active and diverse group. From educators to artists, collectors to geology enthusiasts, there are many ways to enjoy rock related hobbies with our club.
There are many opportunities to get involved depending upon your areas of interest. Most of our meetings are at our. Craft Center, 2453 Tremainsville Rd, Suite B. Toledo, OH. Join our club and attend our various Satellite Groups where you will be given hands on instruction in different facets of our hobby, or check out our calendar for upcoming events.
Our club holds several events each year where the public can learn about the many facets of our hobby and what our club does. We hold two open houses as well as our annual show. Our show is held at the Wood County Fair Grounds, Bowling Green, Ohio, September 8-10. 2023. Our open houses are in spring and fall. Check out our events page for details of these and all of our classes and meetings.
From Collecting to Teaching
Our talented and diverse members love to share. From collecting, to blogging, to demonstrations for schools, community events, & other clubs… from workshops to presentations at our monthly meetings, you will find that we are always willing to talk about the many facets of our hobby. To learn more, check out our groups!